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對於藝術教育,你需要知道的五大重點 Five Important Facts You Need to Know about Art Education

01/ 藝術教育促進小孩健康成長,豐富個人及社會生活經驗,給予小孩溝通及自由表達自己的機會。

Art education has been recognized as essential for children’s development. Visual art, as in drawing and painting, has long been one of the universal languages used to express thoughts and communicate ideas.

“The power of the visual arts to enrich human experience and society is recognized and celebrated throughout the world” (Sabol, 2011).

02/ 透過藝術創作、藝術評鑑和藝術鑑賞,藝術教育可加強「21世紀技能」包括智力、認知能力、創作力、解難能力、批判性思考等,從而幫助小孩面對成長路上的挑戰,而這些技能的培養更有助於小孩於學習上及將來工作上踏向成功。

Art education promotes effective personal growth by cultivating intellectual and cognitive skills which prepare students to be successful in their future study and work. Through art-making, art criticism, and art appreciation, students’ creativity and critical thinking skills can be fostered.

“The production of artwork involves solving numerous problems; therefore, the artist must first solve these problems by thinking critically and even critiquing him- or herself before the observer sees the artwork” (Ulger, 2018, para.12).

The Partnership for 21st Century Skills (2007) emphasizes that critical thinking is advantageous in achieving success in both higher education and career. Numerous researchers have investigated the relationship between the arts and critical thinking. More specifically, arts can unquestionably foster the ability of critical thinking.

03/ 藝術提供小孩主動式學習的機會,幫助他們發掘自己的能力,從而令小孩更了解自己。

The study of arts provides students with an opportunity to promote self-concept and identity. Creating art encourages active participation and allows students to discover and develop their own abilities.

According to the National Coalition for Core Arts Standards (2014), art enables students to “discover and develop their own creative capacity, thereby providing a source of lifelong satisfaction” (p.10). It put forward that “the arts have always served as the distinctive vehicle for discovering who we are” (p.2).

04/ 現今科技發達,但某程度上令我們更分離。然而,藝術學習能大大加強令小孩與世界和社會之連繫,讓他們關注周邊人與事。藝術學習亦是超越時間及空間的限制,讓小孩了解過去、想像未來。

The learning of arts allows students to make connection to the world, people, community and society regardless of time and space.

Eileen (2010) argued that “television, the internet, and other influences isolate us; the arts draw us together through time and space to think, shape, move, draw, paint, dance, play, listen, act, speak, sing and create” (p.16).

05/ 藝術教育鼓勵小孩珍惜自己的獨有之處,同時教育他們欣賞並尊重他人之不同,


Through art education, students are encouraged to feel good about being a unique individual and also to embrace differences, respect others, and learn to appreciate the power of art to help one see and understand the world. All the benefits of art education further assure students that art is a powerful means to make this world better.

如欲查詢兒童藝術課程,請致電或whatsapp至(852)9166 9068

PLATFORM ART Education Group

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